#include using namespace std; void main() { //endl - add carriage return and flush // how to flush endl, cin, end of the program, cout.flush //cout << "Hello World" << endl; //cout.flush(); // \n - escape sequence for carriage return // \\ - escape sequence for a backslash // \t - tab // \b - backspace // \a - alarm //cout << "Hello World\nStuff"; short s; // 16 bit integer (+- 2^15) int i; // 32 bit integer (+- 2^31) long l; // same as int //cin >> i; //cout << i << endl; //i = 2147483647; //cout << i << endl; float f; //32 bit floating point number cin >> f; //by default floats display 6 significant digits cout << f << endl; //cout.precision(2); //setf to set flags //unsetf to set flags cout.setf(ios_base::showpoint | ios_base::fixed); cout << f << endl; cout << ios_base::showpoint << endl; cout << ios_base::fixed << endl; cout << (ios_base::showpoint | ios_base::fixed) << endl; //bit wise or cout << (2|4) << endl; cout << (6|4) << endl; system("Pause"); }